My hopeful vision is that one day art will be classified as a religion. I like to call this religion MOHA, and I envision that one day there will be a centre where artists can gather, learn and work towards art that has a higher purpose. Perhaps a residency where creators can learn how to devote their life to MOHA. This place will take artists through a series of courses that will give them the skills and confidence to take agency of their own artistic path. It will be a life-changing pilgrimage that helps artists deepen the relationship to their arts practice.



The world has been created by all who have lived in it and we are all its co-creators.

MOHA postulates that we are born through the act of creation, and our human condition is to emulate that act of creation. By doing this, we feel closer to God, The Creator. (If you’re not comfortable with the idea of God, then you can substitute with The Universe, parents, teachers, ancestors…)

When we acknowledge that our role is to surrender to MOHA by becoming conscious creators, we a living in true alignment. This makes us artists. An artist is simply a person who is a conscious creator, and this can take any form: visual artist, musician, writer, dancer… We can also be conscious creators in our everyday living. For instance, a chef can be an artist if they prepare food with conscious creativity.

It is MOHA’s vision that people recognize this truth and turn to MOHA for guidance on how to live a life that is in line with being a creator. To create is the highest calling. It is a calling much like the calling one has to enter a monastery. In fact, it is a higher calling because it places us in line with our basic purpose; to create. We are in this world to be of this world, which is to say ‘to be of use’ in shaping the world. Artists are essential to the creation of our world.


  • MOHA is The Mother Of High Art

  • MOHA is a religion

  • MOHA is God

  • MOHA is the Artist

  • MOHA is the compulsion to make art

  • MOHA is the act of making art

  • MOHA is creation

  • MOHA is the creator

  • We were all born as MOHA